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April on 23 July 2009 with
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The first screening of “V” occurred at Comic Con last night, and the reviews are just rolling in. According to what I’ve read, most people felt pretty positively about the episode. If any of you get the chance to see it, be sure to let us know your thoughts! And if you find any other reviews, post them in the comments of this post so anyone interested in a full perspective can check them out! Here are the links (and a little excerpt from the first) of the two reviews I have found.
And if you’re a Firefly fan, V has two big cast members for you – Alan Tudyk as Erica’s partner, Dale, and Morena Baccarin as Anna, the leader of the Visitors – a character obviously greatly influenced by the original’s iconic Diana. Baccarin is very good as the confident, cunning alien, who obviously knows that image is everything.
IGN: SDCC 09: First Impressions of V Remake V Pilot Episode Review
The autograph signing schedule for Comic Con has been released, and, for those of you going, I thought it might be a good idea to post the time at which Morena will be signing. “V” will have two sessions, but she will only attend the second one. If you are lucky enough to attend, be sure to send stories/pictures my way!
V (2 sessions)
Elizabeth Mitchell – Thursday, 2:45pm-3:45pm: WB Booth 4329
Elizabeth Mitchell, Scott Wolf, Morris Chestnut, Joel Gretsch, Morena Baccarin, Scott Peters, Jeffrey Bell, Steve Pearlman, Jace Hall – Saturday, 5:45pm-6:45pm: WB Booth 4329
It took a while, but the gallery is back up once more! I hope to be able to put up a new layout in the coming months, although I am pretty attached to the current one. If you all encounter any problems with viewing images or anything related to the gallery, be sure to let me know. The same goes with the site in general; incorrect links, bad coding, whatever, I want to know about it!
I have finally been able to get a domain name for the website, after nearly four years online. A new layout has been put up as well. What do you guys think? Any suggestions for the site? And affiliates, be sure to change your links! The gallery should be up before the end of the week! Also, to see past updates, go here!