Posted by April on 12 October 2009 with Comments Off on exclusive edward gross audio interviews with morena
SciFi TV Zone‘s Edward Gross got the chance to chat with Morena about V and Firefly. The first set of audio can be found at SciFi Tv Zone, where she talks mostly about the show and her character as well as Firefly and the following it still has. The second part, which is mostly just her additional thoughts on V, can be found at a V community, Visitors Among Us.
During tonight’s episode of “FlashForward,” two promos featuring Morena’s character Anna were aired. Thanks to VisitorSite, I have them for you to watch. Screencaps will most definitely be added as soon as I can make them.
Posted by April on 5 October 2009 with Comments Off on morena baccarin tells iesb about abc’s new “v”
IESB’s Christina Radish sat down and talked with Morena about “V”.
Q: What attracts you to the sci-fi genre?
Morena: I’ve done a lot of other things as well, but because the sci-fi things tend to clump together, it seems like I’ve done a lot of sci-fi. But, it’s been wonderful roles that have been offered to me, so I would be crazy to turn them down.
Q: The sci-fi fans are really rabid, though. Are you concerned about that at all, after going through it with Firefly?
Morena: No. That was wonderful, and I still continue to enjoy that ride. It’s really wonderful to have people love your work, and I think it’s a gift. The fans don’t give me jobs. They just enjoy my work. It’s a humbling experience, to see a big crowd of people applauding your work and wanting to see more of it. It excites me to keep acting and to keep working. It’s why I do it.
Posted by April on 3 October 2009 with Comments Off on baccarin plays compelling alien leader
‘V’ character finds trust is way to manipulate masses
“There’s no room for improvisation,” says Morena Baccarin of her smallscreen alter ego Anna, queen bee leader of the alien nation on the new ABC sci-fi drama “V” that begins Nov. 3. “It can be really challenging in the sense that while I can’t be robotic, I have to really be very precise with movement and language and know exactly what I want.”
Anna and her fellow “visitors” — whose scaly reptilian features are masked beneath pulchritudinous human skin — manipulate humankind and plot to take over the world in the revamped show based on the popular 1980s miniseries.
“I didn’t have much training in playing an alien,” laughs the Brazilian-born, New York-raised beauty whose mother, Vera Setta, is a well-known TV and stage thesp. “I obviously didn’t play her like a lizard, but it was definitely fun to think about what she’s like underneath that facade.”
When prepping for the role, Baccarin, who honed her acting chops at Juilliard, looked to duplicitous politicians for creative inspiration.
“She needs people to trust her,” she explains. “So she goes about it in a very nice way. Like a lot of politicians, she tells us exactly what we want to hear.”
Baccarin also felt the importance of bringing nuance to a protagonist that could easily have been pegged as a one-dimensional evildoer.
“What really drives Anna is saving her people and really providing for them,” says Baccarin, who divides her time between New York and L.A. “The visitors have come, and they know exactly how to get humans interested. A lot of people see Anna as evil, of course, but I can’t because I have to play her. There’s a mercenary aspect to her absolutely. She’ll do what it takes.”
I know a lot of you guys have probably already heard the news, but it looks like we won’t get to see the bulk of “V” until March.
An ABC spokeswoman confirmed exclusively to EW that V, the network’s much anticipated reboot of the old NBC miniseries, will air for a limited, four-episode run in November and then return to the schedule after the Olympics in March. News of the show’s unique rollout comes amid rampant speculation that the Warner Bros. TV drama was undergoing a serious overhaul after news broke that it would halt production for a two-week hiatus. Now, an insider confirms, the hiatus will extend for another four weeks to prepare for the show’s previously announced Nov. 3 debut. An ABC spokeswoman says it was always the network’s intent to the run the science fiction drama in “pod” form to treat it more like event programming.
Welcome to Morena Baccarin Online, your source for actress Morena Baccarin, best known for her roles as Inara in Firefly/Serenity, Jessica Brody in Homeland, Vanessa in Deadpool, and Dr. Leslie Thompkins in Gotham..
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