Welcome to Morena Baccarin Online, your source for actress Morena Baccarin, best known for her roles as Inara in Firefly/Serenity, Jessica Brody in Homeland, Vanessa in Deadpool, and Dr. Leslie Thompkins in Gotham..
Deadpool 3 Vanessa2024 Wolverine joins the "merc with a mouth" in the third installment of the Deadpool film franchise. IMDbGreenland: Migration Allison GarrityTBA
The survived Garrity family must leave the safety of the Greenland bunker and embark on a perilous journey across the decimated frozen wasteland of Europe to find a new home. IMDb
Posted on June 02, 2010
Happy Birthday, Morena. I know you will never read this, of course, but happy birthday anyway. Have a fun time in England.
Posted on June 02, 2010
Two amazing people from the same show, born on the same day? It must be a sign. It’s so cool that her and Jewel share a b-day. Best to them both.
Posted on June 02, 2010
Happy Birthday, Morena.
Posted on June 02, 2010
Happy Birthday!
Posted on June 02, 2010
¡Happy Birthday¡,Morena