I have found a write-up from this weekend’s Dragon Con “Firefly” panel. Along with Morena, Jewel Staite, Sean Maher and Summer Glau were present (with Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk calling in throughout). Here is an excerpt.
Saturday afternoon, in front of a packed Hyatt Centennial Ballroom, four crew members from the beloved ship Serenity met for the first and only time at this Dragon*Con in front of a packed Hyatt Centennial Ballroom. And as if Morena Baccarin, Jewel Staite, Sean Maher, and Summer Glau weren’t enough, Nathan Fillion and Alan Tudyk joined the festivities via prank-call not five minutes into the panel.
Despite the colossal audience attendance, the familiar energy between the stars was immediately present, and all of them kept the tone casual. To put an end to Fillion’s cellular interruptions, Baccarin told him, “You are the weakest link! Goodbye!” When Maher confessed to frequent vomiting from nervousness at playing new roles, Staite exclaimed with a giggle, “This is a classless panel!” Later, the entire audience held up their middle fingers so that Baccarin and Staite could send camera phone pictures to Fillion and give the prankster a taste of his own medicine.
The rest of the article can be found here! If any of you managed to attend the convention, please feel free to send in any reports or pictures you may have!