Access Hollywood has declared Morena their “rising star” and also conducted a short interview with her about the premiere of “V”.
“I was unaware of the other people they were seeing,” she said of the casting process, which reportedly initially had the actress placed into the “no” pile. “I knew they were seeing a lot of people for the role, but I had heard of the original and I had seen it when I was little in Brazil and I thought it was really exciting that they were remaking it. When I read the pilot, I immediately thought I knew what I wanted to do with the role. When I went into the audition, it felt really right.”
Also right was the boyish (yet delicate) haircut Morena already had, a look which has suited just a handful of celebrity faces over time – Audrey Hepburn, a young Mia Farrow, Halle Berry and Jean Seberg, whose picture Morena took to the hairdressers.
The article can be found here.
Also, be sure to check the gallery for two new photoshoot images and an image of Morena behind the scenes at the Access Hollywood studio.